Martin Hirsch

Email: Papers: Inspire Phone: 963543513 Office: B6-4 Institution: CSIC

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Sergio Pastor Carpi

Email: Papers: Inspire Phone: 963543510 Office: B5-5 Institution: CSIC

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Seminars of 2011

LSND and MiniBooNE anomalies as a signal of heavy sterile neutrinos

Dr. Juan Carlos Helo

USM Viña del Mar, Chile

Sala de Juntas

Wednesday, September 21st, 2011 at 15:00


We examine a recently proposed explanation of the LSND and MiniBooNEanomalies, given in terms of a radiatively decaying sterile neutrino N. We check compatibility of this scenario with the existing experimental data on radiative tau-lepton and K-meson decays. We also analyse perspectives to test this radiativelydecaying sterile neutrino model using different K-meson, D-meson and tau-lepton decays.


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Seminars of 2010

Neutralino decaying dark matter

Dr. Diego Restrepo

U Antioquia

Sala de Reuniones del IFIC – 2 planta baja

Monday, January 11th, 2010 at 12:00


In supersymmetric models extended with an anomalous $U(1)_H$
different R-parity violating couplings can yield an unstable
neutralino. We show that in this context astrophysical and
cosmological constraints on neutralino decaying dark matter forbid
bilinear R-parity breaking neutralino decays and lead to a class of
purely trilinear R-parity violating scenarios in which the
neutralino is stable on cosmological scales. We have found that
among the resulting models some of them become suitable to explain
the observed anomalies in cosmic-ray electron/positron fluxes.


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Seminars of 2009

Oscillations of Mossbauer neutrinos

Joachim Kopp

Max-Planck-Institut fur Kernphysik, Heidelberg

Sala Seminarios IFIC (Edf. Institutos Paterna)

Thursday, January 8th, 2009 at 16:00


Recently, Raghavan has proposed an experiment to study neutrinos emitted and absorbed in recoil-free processes. We discuss the theory of these “Mössbauer neutrinos”, paying special attention to the oscillation phenomenology. In particular, we will show that, in spite of the extremely good energy resolution of the proposed experiment,
Mossbauer neutrinos can oscillate. After giving quantum mechanical arguments to support this statement, we will compute the oscillation probability of Mossbauer neutrinos, including localization and decoherence terms, in a
quantum mechanical wave packet model. We will then proceed to the calculation of the combined rate of Mossbauer neutrino emission, propagation and absorption in the framework of quantum field theory. This approach allows us to avoid making any a priori assumptions on the neutrino wave function, and it can easily describe the various effects that broaden the neutrino emission and absorption lines. Finally, we will also address the unrealistic, but theoretically extremely interesting, case of Mossbauer neutrinos affected only by natural line broadening and not by solid state effects.


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Seminars of 2008

Ettore Majorana, its neutrino legacy and beyond: a genius at work

Salvatore Esposito

Univ. of Naples “Federico II” & INFN

Sala Seminarios IFIC

Friday, October 31st, 2008 at 11:00


“In the world there are various categories of scientists: people of secondary or tertiary standing, who do their best but do not go very far. There are also those of high standing, who come to discoveries of great importance. But then there are geniuses like Galileo and Newton. Well, Ettore was one of them. Majorana had what no one else in the world has…” After a brief biographical sketch, in this talk I will focus on some major contributions by Majorana, mostly unknown, aimed at understanding one of the famous statements by Nobel laureate Enrico Fermi about his pupil (reported above).


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Seminars of 2007

The Epoch of Reionization

Fabio Iocco

Kavli Inst. for Particle Astrophysics & Cosmology

Sala Seminarios IFIC

Wednesday, January 10th, 2007 at 12:00


I will summarize the observational evidences of the epoch of Reionization, describing the main physical processes which contribute to such a phenomenon and presenting the astrophysical models invoked to explain this epoch. Eventually I will emphasize the connection between different observables and the future possibility to discriminate between different models.


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Seminars of 2006

SUSY Breaking on the Pillow – Gaugino Mediation and Gravitino Dark Matter in an SO(10) Orbifold GUT

Dr. Joern Kersten


Sala de Juntas IFIC

Tuesday, January 10th, 2006 at 15:00



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Seminars of 2005

Supersymmetry breaking as the origin of flavor

Dr. Javier Ferrandis

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Seminari del IFIC

Wednesday, January 12th, 2005 at 12:00


We present an effective flavor model for the radiative generation of fermion masses and mixings based on a SU(5)XU(2) symmetry. We argue that the original source of flavor breaking resides in the supersymmetry breaking sector. Flavor violation would be transmitted radiatively to the fermion Yukawa couplings at low energy through finite supersymmetric threshold corrections. If this is the case one could fit the fermion mass ratios and CKM matrix elements, suppress the dimension five operators which contribute to proton decay, solve the SUSY CP-problem and overcome the present constraints on supersymmetric contributions to flavor changing processes through an approximate radiative alignment between the Yukawa and the soft supersymmetry breaking sector. We will argue that this possibility is supported by recently discovered patterns between dimensionless fermion mass ratios and CKM elements. We present an effective flavor model for the radiative generation of fermion masses and mixings based on a SU(5)xU(2) symmetry. We assume that the original source of flavor breaking resides in the supersymmetry breaking sector. Flavor violation is transmitted radiatively to the fermion Yukawa couplings at low energy through finite supersymmetric threshold corrections. This model can fit the fermion mass ratios and CKM matrix elements, explain the non-observation of proton decay, solve CP-problems and overcome present constraints on susy contributions to flavor changing processes through an approximate radiative alignment between the Yukawa and the soft trilinear sector. The model predicts new relations between dimensionless fermion mass ratios in the three fermion sectors, and the quark mixing angles.


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