We’ll summarize here the results of our global fit of neutrino oscillation parameters. Please see Phys. Rev. D 86, 073012 (2012) (arXiv:1205.4018) for more details. If you intend to use these results in a publication please consider citing the previously mentioned article.
The latest fits include the recent measurements of reactor antineutrino disappearance reported by the Double Chooz, Daya Bay and RENO experiments, together with latest MINOS and T2K appearance and disappearance results, as presented at the Neutrino-2012 conference. Moreover, the most recent solar and atmospheric neutrino data are also included in our analysis. We find that the preferred global fit value of the reactor angle is quite large (0.25) for normal and inverted neutrino mass ordering, with the null value being now now excluded at more than 10σ. This measurement marks a landmark for neutrino physics.
Global status of neutrino oscillation parameters:
χ² results:
The impact of the new experimental results on the value of the reactor angle: