Posición PhD
Our group and CSIC announces a student grant to perform a PhD Thesis in Theoretical Particle Physics, under the Spanish PhD programme Formación de Personal Investigador (FPI).
The call will be published soon by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (see the previous call at the MINECO website) and most likely the appointment should start along 2019. The candidate should have experience equivalent to a Master Degree at the beginning of the appointment, although applicants finishing a degree in Physics in 2018 could also be considered. He/she should perform research towards a PhD Thesis in one of the group research lines,
- Neutrino properties and the nature of neutrinos
- Underpinning the origin of neutrino mass,
- New physics at the LHC after the Higgs boson
- Particle cosmology
These four research lines are interconnected and cover theoretical, phenomenological and observational aspects of Astroparticle and High Energy Physics.
See the announcement at the CSIC website: http://www.csic.es/contratos-predoctorales
If you are interested in this position, please send us en email with your curriculum vitae, certificate of undergraduate grades, Master degree certificate or equivalent together with at least one letter of recommendation to the address below
Contact: Dr. M. Tortola, mariam@ific.uv.es CC valle@ific.uv.es